When you think of the words professional organization you typically don't associate it with other words such as 'forward thinking', 'innovative' or 'progressive'.
But that's exactly how we feel about the Chartered Professional Accounts of British Columbia today.
Effective April 14, 2020, LiveCA can officially train students as part of their Professional Education Program (PEP) as an approved training office in BC.
The CPA Professional Education Program (PEP) is a 2 year graduate level program that CPA students across the country complete on their way to becoming a fully designated CPA.
There are three main elements of the CPA certification program in which CPA students need to complete: Education, Examination, and Experience.
While the Education and Examination components are delivered and administered by the respective regional CPA schools and the national CPA Canada, respectively, CPA students need to also complete a minimum of 30 months of paid, relevant and progressive work experience to meet competency requirements. And with the two experience route options available – experience verification route (EVR) and pre-approved program route (PPR), the PPR offers a structured training program that must be pre-approved by a CPA provincial body.
British Columbia and Ontario are the two provincial Chartered Professional Accounting bodies to allow LiveCA to train CPA students in a pre-approved program. This means that students in BC can complete their practical experience requirements to become a CPA while working virtually at our firm.
While most accredited CPA firms in British Columbia have a physical office or co-working space for employees to work, LiveCA has been 100% virtual since we started.
CPA students who decide to work with us will never have to go into an office.
We're incredibly proud of what they've done by allowing our pre-approved program to be issued.
There are multiple types of relevant, paid work that would enable a CPA student to complete their practical experience requirements and become a CPA.
For students who choose to work with us, they will be able to meet practical experience requirements with the following:
If you're interested in joining our team, please check out our open positions on the careers page.
Thank you CPA BC for embracing the change that'll keep our industry moving in the right direction.